InvestCorp Mid-Tier Fund (IMTF)
InvestCorp Mid-Tier Fund (IMTF)
This Fund enables you to grow your money over the medium to long-term without worrying about the safety of your investment. The Fund invests in high quality fixed income and preferred equity securities making it possible for you to afford planned life events including starting and growing a family, tertiary education planning, personal pensions, business expansions and vehicle or home financing.

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Plan for other life priorities
Suitable For

Starting / Growing a Family

Tertiary Education

Personal Pension

Business Expansion

Vehicle Financing

Home Financing

Funds are invested in investment grade securities providing returns above Treasury Bill rate.
Investors can make regular contributions to meet their personal needs.
Redemptions can be made at any time and are processed within two working days of receipt of request. There are no charges on redemptions.
Diversified Portfolio
Funds are spread across different investment securities to significantly reduce risk and provide a well-rounded portfolio.
Seasoned Expertise
Investors have access to a professional Fund Manager who provides technical advice on financial planning.
premium Investor Relation
Investors are assured of a dedicated relationship manager.
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