School Fees
The cost of education keeps soaring and it is critical to be a few steps ahead to enable you cater for the fees of your wards. Cost of tuition keeps going up and you can avoid having to rely on loans to by investing towards this objective. Investing in the money market fund gives you the liquidity to cater for your short term investment objective.
Determine your educational needs
Define your educational needs and preferences to identify suitable institutions.
You can answer these questions to begin with
- Which type of school would you prefer (public or private)?
- How much it will cost and taking into account inflation rate?
How long you need to invest to reach your goal?
Understand the cost of tuition
Seek the assistance of a financial advisor and make use of their expertise to determine investments that best suit your objective accommodation and fees will be increasing by the years.
Assess educational investment options
You should understand the total cost that goes into the tuition. You may also have to pay for additional educational material, living expenses including accommodation and fees will be increasing by the years
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